Thursday, January 12, 2006

What A Wonderful Day!

I am taking some days off of work to de-stress and focus a little on me. With work being so crazy lately and being sick I need to unwind a bit. So I started the day by sleeping in and oh did it feel so wonderful! I had an OB appt and everything looks good. My blood pressure is 110/70, I have only gained 8 pounds, iron levels look good, my stomach is measuring at 27 weeks and Devin's hearbeat was 147 bpm. Her words exactly were "This is a perfectly textbook pregnancy". The doctor suggested that one weekend here soon Joe and I should take a tour of the hospital and start looking into birthing classes and find a pediatrician. In two weeks I have to go back for Glucose testing to check for Gestational Diabetes but I'm not worried about it at all. After my doctor appt. I met Amy for lunch and it was so wonderful to catch up with her. Our waitress was so into the both of us being pregnant, it was almost comical. On my way home I stopped and saw Joe for a few minutes at work and then came home to take a nap. What a wonderfully non-stressful day, I hope tomorrow is as non eventful as today way!

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