Thursday, August 14, 2008

I Love My Life

Sure life isn't perfect (or fair for that matter)...there will always be disappointments, there will always be stress, there will always be one more bill that you can't handle, there will always be unexpected turns and someone is bound to let you down every now and again. But these are all things that are apart of living. Today as I watched Devin taking his nap I took a moment to appreciate my life. I have an amazing husband that loves me unconditionally, a supportive family, friends that are like family, I have my health, the most amazing little boy that I get to stay home with and another baby boy on the way. Unfortunately sometimes you have to see others deal with hardships in their own lives to take a step back and look at how good you really have it. Sometimes I wonder why God has been so good to me when there are so many others that are much more deserving of his blessings... Tomorrow I turn 29 and as I look back I have screwed up more times than I can count and still God blesses me. Joe and I will probably never be millionaires or have a life of luxury but we have each other and our boys...what else could we want for.

He makes my heart happy!


Anonymous said...

I love this reflection!


Kimberly 'Riggle' Franek said...

Perfect! You and your family deserve every bit of happiness! It's nice to have those moments of clarity. Really puts things into place. Miss and love you! Oh...and happy belated birthday! :)