Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ready To Burst

Today Devin and I ventured out into the heat to run a few errands and it may be one of the last times I do so before Corbin arrives. I kept the errands to a minimum and wasn't even gone from the house more than two hours but it wore me out. My second, and last, stop was at Target and the pressure of Corbin was almost too much to walk around the store! I am so thankful that I am not working outside of the home during this pregnancy, much respect to mommys that do!

Devin has officially hit the "Terrible Twos"! We have had more time outs in the past two days that we have in 4 months! Last Friday Joe worked from home, I was having pretty severe braxton hicks, and Devin was an angel until Monday when daddy went back to work. I think he really misses Joe during the day and throws fits in the evenings to get extra attention from daddy... Hopefully we can work these fits out before little brother arrives.

I am getting anxious and nervous about Corbin's arrival. I want to be able to give Corbin all of the love and attention that I was able to give Devin as an infant but at the same time I am terrified of Devin feeling left out... My mom says that I will find a balance that works for us and the boys. (it is amazing how wise my mother gets the older I get) I guess a lot of moms have this kind of "anxiety" before the 2nd or 3rd or 4th is born. Before Devin was born I loved him but I had no idea how much I would love him once he was born. The love you feel for your child is like no other love, it is all consuming...my heart may just burst after Corbin is born!

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